January 17, 2012 Issue #070

And the happiest people
in the world are...

Who are the happiest people in the world? This issue we're going to look at that, as we kick off 2012 with an exciting theme for the year: happiness.

We singletons want to be happy. Many singles are convinced they need a spouse to be happy. Is that true? Well, this year we're going to find out. We'll be exploring the subject of happiness the entire year, what works and what doesn't, what matters and what doesn't, and especially what the Bible has to say. It's going to be an exciting year.

I'll be studying happiness in depth and as I learn new things, I'll pass them on to you in each issue of Inspire-O-Gram. I'll also be looking for your insights and comments so I can pass them on to the rest of the gang.

Let's start our course on happiness with a look at who's happiest of all--and the answer may surprise you. Here's our installment on the happiest people in the world.

No matter what

Stubbornness is
a very good thing.
It's turned my life
into a breath of spring.

I refuse to back down
or keep my mouth shut.
I'm gonna be happy,
no matter what.

My car is old,
just four tires and rust.
But I leave those Beamers
behind in my dust.

Don't live in a mansion,
just a smelly old hut.
But I'm gonna be happy
no matter what.

My glands went wild,
now I'm Jabba the Hutt,
but I'm gonna be happy,
no matter what.

When I eat a hot dog
it tastes like a steak,
'cause happiness is
a choice that I make.

Can't always control
what happens to me.
But I can sure choose
the outlook I see.

So be stubborn like me,
and climb out of your rut.
Decide to be happy,
no matter what.

~ Jack Zavada, 2012 ~

Make a money resolution for 2012?

Can't live with it, can't live without it. Money, that is.

If you made a resolution to take control of your finances this year, this inexpensive little ebook can help: How to Master Your Money.

It's not complicated. You don't need a degree in economics or finance to understand it. In fact, it's based on proven principles I've been using all my life. The secret to it is learning a new attitude toward money, and why you spend it. When you get that clear in your mind, it all falls into place.

Oh, and two more things. You don't need a special ebook reader to read it. It's in PDF format, so you can read it right on the computer you're using now. And second, it comes with a money back guarantee. For only $4.97, how can you go wrong?

So get all the info you need to decide at Master Your Money.

January Quotorama

January's quotation comes from Martha Washington, wife of the first U.S. president, George Washington:

The greatest part of our happiness depends on our dispositions,
not our circumstances.

Martha Washington (1731-1802)

Apparently Martha had decided, as we say in this month's poem, to be happy no matter what. Here's the truth, friends, based on my 40 years as a single person: bad things are going to happen to you during your life. Try as you might, you absolutely cannot avoid them.

As I often say, the clock is ticking on all of us. Each day spent feeling miserable is a day lost forever. The big question is, "Who's going to control your happiness, you or your circumstances?" We can't always control our circumstances, but we can control how we respond to them, thus controlling our happiness.

Think about this. Please!

What does the Bible say?

I stumbled on a really neat search tool recently that lets you check out what the Bible says on a huge variety of topics.

Here's how it works, according to the site: "This Bible is a mashup of the Yahoo! and ESV Bible web services. It searches the Internet for the topics that interest people, many of which you’d never find in a traditional topical Bible. Then it shows relevant verses."

When somebody searches for an item the first time, the topic is automatically added to the site. Obviously some people have been messing with the site, which explains weird topics like New Orleans, football, television, onions, etc.

But the general principle is good. And as the site warns, be sure to read the context around the verse so it makes sense. Here's the URL:


Highway to Happyville

Since we're exploring the subject of happiness in 2012, I thought it would be fun to include a special feature in each issue of Inspire-O-Gram with a few jokes, quotes, and fun facts. I call it "Highway to Happyville." No speeding through, please.

That man is richest whose pleasures are cheapest.
Henry David Thoreau

A goldfish has a memory span of three seconds.

Anyone can be confident with a full head of hair. But a confident bald man – there’s your diamond in the rough.
Larry David

John Lennon's first girlfriend was named Thelma Pickles.

A cheerful look brings joy to the heart, and good news gives health to the bones.
Proverbs 15:30

Not one man in a beer commercial has a beer belly.
Rita Rudner

There are 336 dimples on a regulation golf ball.

Man invented language to satisfy his deep need to complain.
Lily Tomlin

A cat has 32 muscles in each ear.

A f'reebie surprise for Valentine's Day!

I'm working on a special f'ree g'ift for you for Valentine's Day. Oh, and if you're wondering why I always write things like f'ree and g'ift with apostrophes, that's to throw off spam filters so your Inspire-O-Gram doesn't get trashed. Wouldn't that be too sad?

If you'd like to email me a one or two sentence comment on what makes you happy or what you've learned about happiness, we'll include it in next month's "Highway to Happyville." Just use our tick-free contact form.

That's our January issue, fellow singles! This is an important topic we're launching out on in 2012, and I expect that in the course of my research, I'll discover some real surprises. I'm excited about this coming year. I hope it will be one of your best so far.

Until February, God bless!

Jack Zavada

401 Indiana Ave
Streator, IL 61364 USA