June 22, 2010 Issue #051
The truth we can't hear too often
Can we ever hear too often about God's love for us? I don't think so.
Whenever I talk about how much Jesus loves us, I know there's at least one (and possibly hundreds) of Inspire-O-Gram readers who desperately need to hear this at this moment in their life.
Whether the world seems to have turned against you, or you're sick or disabled, or you've simply given up trying, here's the reason to go on. Here's the best thing you have going for you. Here's the truth of what we believe.
Check out this reminder of why Jesus loves you...
O, Holy One
O, Holy One,
I have found your mighty love,
when my soul is in the valley
or in the stars so high above.
O, Holy One,
Now I come to you each day,
in my sorrow and my loneliness
you wipe each tear away.
O, Holy One,
You are the God that I desire,
I abandon all my worldly things
as you fill me with your fire.
O, Holy One,
My deepest dreams will not come true
until my broken heart can find its peace
eternally with you.
--Jack Zavada, 2010--
The Daniel Boone of singles?
Okay, so I don't wear a coonskin cap (not since I was 8 years old, anyway), but I have blazed a few trails in the single life. I've scouted out the dangers, I've marked the places to rest, and I've had more than one hair-raising encounter.
Single & Sure, my giant ebook on the single life, shows you the pitfalls and mistakes to avoid, as well as the smart things to do. It's easy reading, in a conversational style, and encapsulates 40 years of practical wisdom on how to live a happier, more fulfilling life.
Why stumble through the wilderness of singlehood, not knowing where you're going, when you can read this down-to-earth guide? You'll learn how to be more confident, how to manage your emotions, how to step out in faith, and how to get more of what you want. And it's only $9.97, with a money back guarantee! Here's where to discover what's inside Single & Sure...
June Quotozela
June's quotation comes from one of my favorite people, Billy Graham. In carrying the gospel to the ends of the earth, Mr. Graham has had his share of troubles, but his unshakable relationship with Jesus has brought him through:
"Don't take anyone else's word for God. Find Him for yourself, and then you too will know by the wonderful, warm tug on your heartstrings that He is there for sure." Billy Graham
When Jesus has a personal relationship with you, it's different from the relationship he has with your parents, your siblings, your friends, your pastor, and everyone else. It's custom-made, just for you.
Jesus knows your weaknesses, your interests, your sorrows, and the deepest desires of your heart. He has help that's perfectly matched just for you. He's always listening, even if you think he isn't. We can't always trust our feelings, but we can always trust God.
Keep talking to him in prayer, keep pursuing him, and your perseverance will pay off with the greatest gift in your life.
Who believes what?
I'm happy to now be working for one of the top Christianity sites on the Web, www.christianity.about.com. Guide Mary Fairchild provides a treasure-trove of information on the Christian faith, and now I'm helping her, as a Contributing Writer.
You'll find my work on denomination profiles. If you want the low-down on what a Christian denomination believes and how they got started, this is the place to go.
Not only that, but Mary's got great devotionals, a Christianity glossary, info on holidays, Christian personalities, moving testimonies, poems, prayers, a newsletter, blog, and a trainload more. Check it out and fill your noggin with knowledge here...
One more dose of love...
Who do you believe? Who or what influences your life the most? We rarely ask ourselves those questions, but as singles, we're bombarded with orders from every direction.
The motives of these order-givers are rarely pure. In fact, they usually have ulterior motives, and they're not good.
You want a clear, sharp-thinking head on your shoulders. Take the best advice possible. When you want to cut through the recyclables and get to the truth, you can believe God...
Dancin' on the keys
Dance your digits across the keys if you'd like to send us an email. Contrary to popular belief, this is a one-person operation, so I read all emails and reply personally.
To avoid spambots capturing my email address, I ask you to please use this wedgie-free contact form.
It's a hot summer here in Illinois, USA. Buddy the dog and I are staying in the shade and enjoying life. Until July, keep cool and keep the faith!
Jack Zavada
401 Indiana Ave
Streator, IL 61364