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A life makeover? Really?" May 23, 2017 |
May 23, 2017 Issue #134 Is a life makeover possible for singles?![]() But what if it were possible to change from the inside out? What if the change wasn't merely superficial but deep, profound, and permanent? This month we ask, "Is a life makeover possible for singles?" If you're a Christian, you already have something exciting going on inside: "Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day." (2 Cor. 4:16, NIV) Huh? We don't feel that we're being renewed. We keep falling into the same failure patterns and sins. We schlepp along in life, watching others get ahead while we seem to be treading water. What's the deal? Here's my experience. I tried to change myself via self-help books, CDs, the whole rigamarole, and failed every time. If I managed any change, it didn't last. Real, lasting change takes the hand of the One who created you. I also learned that if I want God's help changing, I don't get to choose who I want to become. God has the say, and he wants to transform your character and mine into the likeness of his Son, Jesus. That's scary, and we never achieve it in this life, but a big God has big goals for us. So buckle your seat belt and discover if you're ready for a life makeover.
My TreasureI own vast reserves of silver and gold,diamonds and jewels and riches untold. A thousand cattle on a thousand hills, Oceans and rivers teeming with fish, Majestic redwoods and delicate flowers, Stars and planets colossal in size, But I smile in My heaven when day is through, ~ Jack Zavada, 2017 ~
Adrian Rogers has May's QOTMOne of my favorite TV preachers has May's Quote of the Month. Adrian Rogers was pastor of Bellevue Baptist Church, Memphis, TN; an author of several books, and host of the program "Love Worth Finding":~ Adrian Rogers (1931-2005) ~ Real personal change is possible only through Christ. Any other change is merely superficial. The reason is that Jesus changes us on the inside, and when that happens, we have an entirely new outlook on life. Here's what the apostle Paul said: "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!" (2 Corinthians 5:17, NIV) Paul's life was turned upside down when Jesus changed him from a murderer to a missionary on the Damascus road. If
you want change -- big, big change -- go to Jesus in prayer. I did, and my life has never been the same. I know the freedom of forgiveness and the promise of eternal life. God can transform you, too!
Got a Kindle? Check these out…Two of my most popular books, Hope for Hurting Singles and Outsmarting Loneliness are available for Kindle e-readers.![]() Check this link for more info on the Kindle edition of Hope for Hurting Singles.
You'll learn how to use Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, a proven system for monitoring your thought-life. You'll recognize when you're heading off-track and learn simple steps to correct it. Get full details on the Kindle edition of Outsmarting Loneliness.
A new car, a rainy night, and a discoveryI was 40 years old and had just bought a brand new car. I still remember that night because it was one of the turning points in my life.As I drove around the rainy streets after dinner, getting the feel of my new ride (a peppy 1991 Chevrolet Cavalier), I expected to feel elated. Instead I felt nothing. I liked the car. I had gotten a good deal. But this was my third new car and I had learned something. A car was transportation to me and nothing more. It was not my identity or a way to show off my success to others. It got me where I wanted to go and back. I valued reliability over everything else. That night I realized Jesus Christ is the only thing that really matters in life. Nothing can take him from you. You can lose everything else but not Him. What's more, his love for you never fades. You can count on Him no matter what happens to you. If you're a young person and you learn this crucial lesson now, you'll be way ahead of where I was at 40. You'll refocus your priorities. Losses won't bother you as much. You'll find joy where you're supposed to, and your new-found wisdom will serve you well for the rest of your life.
Sojourning in the single lifeThis single life. Sheesh! Most of the time it's tolerable, but there are moments when it's like a toothache in your soul. I just turned 66, and sometimes I still get jealous of couples.What's up with that? I should be more grown up by now. At the very least I should be following my own advice. My fatal flaw, like yours, is I'm human. Heaven is our true home, but we have a life to live while we're here. We owe it to our Creator to make the most of it. I started to try to give you a little help along the way. Much better is attending church regularly. You'll find me there every weekend. Trust me, it helps immeasurably. I'd also like to remind you my email inbox is open 24/7/365. You can use our bank-vault-secure contact form or email me at We're almost at Memorial Day in the U.S., the unofficial start of summer. I encourage you to get outdoors and get some fresh air. If you live where it's polluted, schedule a drive to the country so you can sniff some clean ozone. You'll be glad you did. That's the May Inspire-O-Gram. Hang in there, fellow singleton. We won't be sojourners forever. We're heading for a place where all our dreams will come true! Until June, |
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