Inspiration to help you thrive in the single life!

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Issue #004, July 20, 2006

No time for boring introductions--let's get going!

July's Inspire-O-Gram focuses on the benefits of being on guard. Over the years, I've learned that vigilance in your speech and thoughts can literally transform your life.

Along those lines, this month's inspirational quote is from a man who was well known for his wisdom:

"Remember not only to say the right thing in the right place, but far more difficult still, to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment."
Benjamin Franklin

Instead of funny verse this month, I thought something inspirational would fit our theme better, so here's a new, original poem:

I forgot

Today I got shook up again.
I was worried and upset
over something bad
that hasn't even
happened to me yet.

I forgot how much You love me, God.
I forgot Your faithful care.
I forgot You're always close to me
when life hurts too much to bear.

I forgot You know the future
and that You control it too.
I forgot to take my heartbreak
and give all of it to You.

I forgot You'll work all things for good,
to free me from regret.
And that You'll fulfill Your promises
even if I should forget.

Yes, we do forget about God's care for us pretty often, don't we? Like every day?

July's feature articles focus on self-control. As single people, we don't have a spouse to remind us when we cross over the line. But whether you're single or married, you can make your life much happier and more peaceful by practicing self control. Check out this article on guarding what you say...

Even more important is watching what you think about. You become what you think about, and that truth can be scary or empowering. But once you accept that you can master what goes on in your mind, it presents thrilling possibilities.

Here's what can happen when you learn to guard your thoughts...

As usual, let's follow up with The Rut Disruptor, Inspire-O-Gram's exclusive tool for change. Here are some questions to think about:

  • Do I accept the truth that I can gain control of my thoughts?

  • Do I have the courage to ask God to help me guard both my thoughts and my speech?

  • Have I hurt people in the past with ill-chosen words, and do I sincerely want to stop doing that?

  • What would my life be like if I stopped putting myself down?

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Thanks a million! See you next month!

Hoping you're thriving,

Jack Zavada
401 Indiana Ave
Streator, IL 61364 USA