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"inspiration for singles? But I need answers and I need them now!"

And you'll find answers at inspiration for singles, answers to tough questions like:

Everything you read on this site is practical, proven by trial and error in the real world. No unicorns or rainbows here.

Hi, I'm Jack Zavada, the person behind inspiration for singles. I'm 73 years old and a lifelong single. What that means for you is I've probably already gone through the problems you're facing now.

You may wonder, "Why should a younger person like me listen to a geezer like him?" Fair question. The answer is experience. Our motto is, "My pain, your gain."

Inspiration for singles is NOT a dating site. You can get that anywhere on the Web. Instead, you'll find hope and encouragement here, offered in a clear, conversational style with an emphasis on what works in real life.

I promise if you spend even 15 minutes here, you will find something helpful.

Here's how to get started. Use the navigation links at the top or the Site Map button in the left column, which lists every page on the site, organized by subjects and article titles.

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Whoa! 225 inspirational poems!

Enjoy inspirational poems? Well, we've got those too!

In every issue of Inspire-O-Gram, our free monthly newsletter, we feature a brand new, original inspirational poem. You can read all 225 of those poems FREE by visiting our back issue archives.

Just click on each newsletter then scroll down to the poem. Enjoy!

Stuff for single men too…

single man in beanie

If you're a single male, you'll find plenty of useful tips on inspiration for singles. We men don't get all mushy-gushy about our feelings, but that doesn't mean we don't have feelings.

For an overview of every topic here, try our site map.

In 19 years of running inspiration for singles, I've gotten enough feedback from male visitors all over the world to know we all share the same problems. You're not alone in how you feel. Please bookmark the site for future visits. Thanks!

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What you have to do to make 2025 different…

hope PB cover

To make this new year different, you have to do something different.

Getting Hope for Hurting Singles is a great start. Even if you're not hurting right now, this book is packed with so much useful, life-improving information, you can't help but benefit from it.

It's a guidebook of biblical principles, proven through real world trial-and-error. Why go through the painful, tedious process of searching for what works when author Jack Zavada has already done it for you?

You'll learn the smartest ways to deal with:

  • Loneliness
  • Bitterness
  • Depression
  • Shyness
  • Fear
  • Frustration
  • Low self-esteem
  • Debt
  • Anger

Hope for Hurting Singles is a crash course in maturity. Gain the wisdom of decades of experience in the time it takes to read this 202-page guide and put it into practice.

If you want to make 2025 different from last year—if you want to make it better—order right now!

Hope for Hurting Singles is only $10.99 in paperback from, just $3.99 for the Kindle version.

Read Chapter One FREE here!

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Much of our material includes Christian principles. If you find that offensive, please click here.

Afraid of the future? How to get ready...


"The sky is falling! It hit me on the head!"

So said the fairy tale character Chicken Little--and about a zillion so-called Bible prophets today.

If you believe them, the future looks grim indeed. But this is NOT a scary End Times site. No, the future looks beautiful for people who follow Jesus.

So don't be scared. Check out how to be a calm, confident Christian...

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