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Encouragement: A personal letter to you
God's surprises are so unexpected they'll take your breath away
Hope for the brokenhearted can be found in Christ's healing love
Gratitude can be the beginning of turning your life around
Feeling unappreciated? Don't lose sight of whose opinion counts most
Being thankful is one way you can get more enjoyment out of life
How to make a fresh start and receive God's blessing on it
The God of second chances uses broken people to express his love
How do singles overcome setbacks instead of being overcome by them?
Believing you're a bad luck person is a common--but dangerous--misbelief
Loneliness can't be eliminated, but you can work to lessen its effects
Overcoming loneliness is one of the most important skills you can acquire
When you're feeling lonely, you can regain control of your thoughts
Solitude for Christian singles:How to maximize your alone time
Being jealous of couples is a common problem for singles
A passive attitude looks for someone else--anyone else--to do the heavy lifting
Being far from home can lead to bad decisions if you're not careful
Homesickness is a longing to be near the sources of your happiness
That indefinable longing you feel? Maybe you're homesick for heaven
Would you recognize a miracle if one happened in your life?
God still performs miracles today--for people who believe in Him
Desperation can be a dangerous feeling for Christian singles
Here's where to turn when that feeling of emptiness overwhelms you
When your life is miserable, how can you change things?
Life is meaningless for millions of singles…Does that include you?
Being your own worst enemy is a fixable situation
Substitutes for love provide shallow satisfaction
Fear of rejection causes more loneliness than anything else
The biggest surprise in heaven
5 worthwhile ways to spend a Sunday afternoon
Is all the noise in your life drowning God out?
What others think
What others think should not be the driving force in your life
Run your life or risk having someone else run it for you
Measuring up can become an impossible taskmaster
Stop and think before letting your emotions drag you down
Impressing others distracts you from the most important things in life
Feelings of inadequacy keep many singles from stepping out in life
Running from Jesus is one way singles try to avoid confrontation
Compete with yourself and you'll see steady improvement in your life
Honesty requires a regular checkup
Here's why you can't disappoint God
Gift lift is a healthy feeling when we keep it in the right perspective
Stress relief
How to find stress relief by taking a mental vacation
Want to enjoy a happier, calmer life? Learn how to catch yourself
Overcoming moodiness is a difficult task for single people
Nothing makes sense? Go to the solid, true place to find meaning
If you're having a bad day, here's how to stop it dead in its tracks
When you're feeling anxiety, you can reverse it by focusing on Christ
Uncertainty will be with you all your life; here's how to handle it
Is there a spiritual cause behind your sleep problems?
The pressure's off if we remember that our eternal life starts now
Your sense of humor protects you against the victim mentality
How to choose a hobby that will help you conquer stress
Feeling stressed out? Seek God's peace to find a haven of rest
Job-related stress is tough on singles
Find self-esteem that lasts, no matter what happens
Low self worth in Christian singles focuses on the wrong standards
This great secret of life will give you newfound confidence
Who you are may be very different from who you think you are
Your posture affects your attitude, so give yourself a boost!
Whose opinion should you trust about yourself? Believe God
Feelings of inferiority stalk many singles--are you among the self-critical?
Congratulate yourself every day and you'll see your self-esteem rise
The way you dress tells others about your personality--and your morals
Rationalizing is a popular way to excuse our bad behavior
Beating yourself up is a habit you can change, with God's help
Laugh at yourself regularly and life will seem less of a struggle
Being too sensitive can lead to a host of problems--mostly imaginary
Anger: Are you frustrated and mad at God because you're still single?
When you're envious of another, you lose sight of your own uniqueness
Self-pity can have just the opposite effect of what you want
Sick and tired of your life? That makes changing it easier
Moodiness calls for self-awareness anda desire not to give in to your feelings
Holding a grudge harms you more than the person who wronged you
Carrying a chip on your shoulder is a sure way to drive people away from you
Imperfection: Can you live with it?
Being cynical is a condition that all singles must guard against
Pettiness is a problem you can eliminate, with God's help
How to move beyond hate to the good things God has waiting for you
What's your purpose on this planet?
Starting over may be what you need to get your life moving again
Feeling disconnected can snowball into isolation if you don't correct it
Dissatisfied with your job? Recognize that a change is needed
Use a positive approach when you're trying to beat boredom
Singles are especially vulnerable to suffering from the monotony of life
Wake up happy and you'll discover that your day will fulfill that promise
We're not smarter than God because we live in a technologically advanced world
Self reliance is a worthy goal for you
The power of choice is God's gift, but it's up to you to use it wisely
Your reason for living should be big!
Being a perfect Christian is a worthy goal, but it's unreachable in this life
To put enthusiasm and purpose back in your life, pursue lifelong learning
Positive discontentment nudges you into pursuing a bigger, happier life
Achieving your goals
Achieving your goals is easier if you use this age-old secret
To become more like Jesus, we must be willing to give up ourselves
Because adversity is inevitable, you can plan for it and be prepared
Determination learns to rely on God as the source of your strength
Help yourself by taking an active approach to your life
When is stubbornness a good thing?
How to beat fear and replace it with God's peace and protection
Lighten your load and find freedom
Afraid of the future? Trusting God is the key to lasting peace
Focus on Jesus and let him work out the solution to your problems
Is shyness a problem you can overcome?
Smiling can change your life for the better--try it!
Learning how to adapt to change is crucial if you want to be happy
Patience requires making a decision
Disabled? Learn how to build a happy life in spite of it
Discouragement doesn't have to take control of your life
What kind of love can make up for your deepest hurt?
When hopelessness turns your world gray, you can find your way back
Being single and sick doesn't have to be a terrifying experience
When loss hits your life, it's hard to believe God has something better
Don't neglect yourself, no matter what you're going through
A sad face won't serve you well
Enthusiasm can turn a ho-hum life into a rip-roaring adventure!
Learning how to get back up is crucial if you want a happy life
The happiest people in the world may not be who you think
Fighting sadness is a crucial skill in the life of singles
If you don't fit in, the problem is probably not with you
Expectations can set up a pattern for what happens in your life
When temptation calls, many singles make a half-hearted effort to resist it
When you're trying to break free, realize you can't do it alone
Being misunderstood makes you feel frustrated, cut off from others
When you've been hurt by dishonesty, it takes time to heal
Beat the holiday blues with these 5 common sense strategies
Doubts can actually lead you into a stronger relationship with God
Dealing with doubt is one of the routine duties of being a Christian
God is unfair: If this is true, what does it mean for you?
Stop doubting yourself by putting more faith in God to do his part
How would life change if you accepted the presence of God inside you?
If you feel insignificant, get to the real reason for that false belief
You are precious to God regardless of what your feelings tell you
God cannot lie--but what difference should that make to singles?
Compassion is a necessary quality for Christian singles to develop
God is reliable now, as he was in the past and will be in the future
Is more money the solution to all of your problems?
Living the abundant life doesn't mean God wants to make you rich
The prosperity gospel has one flaw: Jesus didn't preach it
The simple life puts God in first place
How you can be smarter than the false promise of materialism
Retirement: One of the most important messages on this site!
Fresh, new ways of looking at Jesus
Jesus appreciates you: Good to remember when life gets lonely
Jesus the supermodel: a life worth imitating
Learning who God is will make your life less confusing
Jesus loves you, despite whether you can believe it or feel it
What Jesus did for you should give you unstoppable confidence
Spiritual growth
Spiritual growth is a lifelong process
You can find God in a place where you don't want to go
Is obsolete thinking making you old before your time?
How to find your way through the desert of spiritual barrenness
Go to church and take part in God's magnificent plan for your life
Guard your speech and earn respect
Guard your thoughts, control your thinking and you'll change your life
When you choose kindness, you clear the way for your own healing
Impulsiveness can cause a host of problems in a single person's life
The Bible for Singles: How to meet God one-on-one
Does prayer require a secret formula to get through to God?
Wordless prayer reaches God even when you can't express yourself
Distractions during prayer: Can we overcome these chaotic thoughts?
Unanswered prayer seems to mock the believer--or does it?
Is it possible to pray too much?
Give God a chance to work in your life
Waiting on God is hard for singles
Unable to pray? Try the Jesus Prayer
What does it mean to 'rest in God'?
Instead of trying to manipulate God, pray the prayer that gets answered
If your faith feels weak, it's time to change your focus
Peace of mind
Ashamed of your past? God doesn't want you to keep punishing yourself
Getting over regrets can be painful, but peace of mind is the reward
Needless guilt is common among conscientious single Christians
Serenity requires that you trust God as you never have before
When you're forgiven by God, you can know true peace of mind
Do you like to complain but don't do anything about it?
When it comes to painful episodes from your past, stop the replay
Learning how to forgive yourself is a necessary part of being a Christian
Want peace? Obeying God brings it
Worry is another way of saying that God can't handle his job
Worried sick? Take these two important steps to deal with the problem
Every action has consequences: How to make that truth work for you
The secret of joy
Why singles need joy and peace instead of happiness
Can you find joy in work? Should you look for it there?The happiest people in the world may not be who you think
Being happy all the time is not the goal; knowing peace and joy is our true aim
Putting conditions on your happiness means expecting you can have the ideal life
If you're on the wrong road, here's how to tell and how to find your way back
Only God can create joy, but it's yours for the asking
Christian men
To do the right thing, you have to educate yourself in God's ways
If you face the day with guidance from God, your life will change
Your entertainment defines you, reflecting your relationship with God
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Inspiring quotes--with a difference!
Our quotes for singles will bring you hope and encouragement
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Friendship is one of the bonds that makes life worth living
Try these strength quotes for a quick shot of inspiration and encouragement!
These quotations on attitude show how much you can control your life
These odd quotes are just strange enough to convince you the world's off-kilter
Busyness misses the point, striving for a life of quantity, not quality
Inspirational quotes for women will give you hope and encouragement
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These inspirational quotes for men focus on eternal values
Christian quotes help us focus on the eternal truths found in our faith
These disappointment quotes will give you hope that things will get better
Faith quotations to encourage you
These quotations about God point to life's most profound truth
Hope is real--because God is real!
Perseverance may be the single most important factor in success
Self-confidence can come from a very unexpected source
Trust is necessary for a happy life
Inspirational poems
Funny poems with a delightfully warped outlook on love & life
Our funny poems for singles may explain why some folks haven't gotten married!
Our clean limericks will make your day a little happier
Inspiration cafeteria
Inspiration Cafeteria lets you choose your favorites!
Inspiration Entrees will satisfy even the heartiest appetites
Restraint means making smart choices
Inspiration Desserts are tarts with smarts!
Inspiration Eye Candy is smooth, with no nasty jelly centers!
Tranquility is not a passive state
Calmness takes determinationnot to be disturbed
Contentment comes only when you change your thinking
Hope for Hurting Singles and other books
Our FREE Stuff page (click this link)
Jesus for Singles: FREE ebook!
Amazing but true!
Jack's truths for thriving as a single