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Encouragement: A personal letter to you


Loneliness can't be eliminated, but you can work to lessen its effects

What others think

What others think should not be the driving force in your life

Stress relief

How to find stress relief by taking a mental vacation


Find self-esteem that lasts, no matter what happens


Anger: Are you frustrated and mad at God because you're still single?


What's your purpose on this planet?

Achieving your goals

Achieving your goals is easier if you use this age-old secret

       How to persevere


How to beat fear and replace it with God's peace and protection


Is shyness a problem you can overcome?


Disabled? Learn how to build a happy life in spite of it


Discouragement doesn't have to take control of your life

       What kind of love can make up for your deepest hurt?


Doubts can actually lead you into a stronger relationship with God


Debt is modern day slavery


Fresh, new ways of looking at Jesus

Jesus appreciates you: Good to remember when life gets lonely

Jesus the supermodel: a life worth imitating

Learning who God is will make your life less confusing

Jesus loves you, despite whether you can believe it or feel it

What Jesus did for you should give you unstoppable confidence

Spiritual growth

Spiritual growth is a lifelong process


Does prayer require a secret formula to get through to God?


If your faith feels weak, it's time to change your focus

Peace of mind

Peace of mind is achievable--with God

Ashamed of your past? God doesn't want you to keep punishing yourself

The secret of joy

Why singles need joy and peace instead of happiness

Can you find joy in work? Should you look for it there?

The happiest people in the world may not be who you think

Being happy all the time is not the goal; knowing peace and joy is our true aim

Putting conditions on your happiness means expecting you can have the ideal life

If you're on the wrong road, here's how to tell and how to find your way back

Only God can create joy, but it's yours for the asking

Christian men

Christian men face an especially tough battle in life


<a name = "allquotes"></a>

Inspiring quotes--with a difference!

Inspirational poems

 Inspirational poems to renew your spirit

       Our clean limericks will make your day a little happier

Inspiration cafeteria

Inspiration Cafeteria lets you choose your favorites!

Jack's books

for singles

Hope for Hurting Singles and other books

Free stuff

Our FREE Stuff page (click this link)

        Jesus for Singles: FREE ebook!

Amazing but true!

Jack's truths for thriving as a single

About/contact us

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