Where do you get your self esteem from?
Do you get it from your job? Your appearance? Your education? Your house or apartment? Your clothes? Your car? From your family, friends, a hobby, or a special talent?
The problem with getting your self esteem from any of those things is that they are all vulnerable. Education is a worthwhile pursuit, but at the rate the world is changing, a high school diploma or college degree is dated even five years after you get it. Education is important, but it shouldn't be the source of your self esteem.
If you get your self worth from your house or apartment and the way you've decorated or furnished it, just consider for a moment the victims of Hurricane Katrina. Their homes were obliterated by the storm. Nothing--absolutely nothing--was left of them.
When you come right down to it, home ownership, like ownership of every material possession, is an illusion. We don't really own anything. We just use it while we're here, then when we're gone, somebody else uses it. Think of the tools, dishes, furniture, or other things you got from people who have passed away.
Clothes have an even shorter life-span. We eventually tire of every piece of clothing we own, or they too wear out. Cars come and go. That vehicle you're so proud of today will someday be in a junkyard. Even family and friends move away or die. Talent is a wonderful thing, but like education, it requires constant practice and nurturing.
By now you may be feeling pretty depressed. But there's no need to. If you get your self worth from the right place, it only grows stronger every day. It never wears out, dies, or is lost.
By now you may be feeling pretty depressed. But there's no need to. If you get your self worth from the right place, it only grows stronger every day. It never wears out, dies, or is lost.
True self esteem comes only from your
relationship with Jesus Christ.
God loves you not for what you can do, how you look, or how much money you have. He loves you simply because you're you.
His love for you is not based on your performance or any external thing. He created you out of pure love.
God loves you not for what you can do, how you look, or how much money you have. He loves you simply because you're you.
His love for you is not based on your performance or any external thing. He created you out of pure love.
Your relationship with God is what makes you complete--not a spouse. Through divorce or death, spouses leave too. And though you may feel empty or incomplete now, that's only a feeling.
God's love for you doesn't change. It will never change, through all eternity. God's love for you is indestructible. Doesn't it seem wise to base your self esteem on something indestructible?
Give some new thought to your priorities. Think about all the things you cherish. No doubt many of them are good and worthwhile. But set a goal to re-order your life.
Make your relationship with Jesus Christ your top priority, and the source of your confidence. It will keep you strong no matter what happens to you in life.
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