God still performs miracles today--
for people who believe in Him

Have you given up on the belief that God still performs miracles?

It's easy to be skeptical, isn't it? We singles have been disappointed so many times that we try not to expect much from God any more.

Perhaps unconsciously, we lower our expectations as a defense against getting hurt. Don't expect much, then you won't get hurt when nothing happens, we think.

The one thing Jesus looked for

When Jesus performed miracles, he always looked for faith in the person who made the request. In fact, people who had no faith in Jesus' ability to help them didn't even bother to ask him.

He's not concerned with how much money you have, how "important" you are, what you look like or any of those other superficial measurements we humans use. He is an equal-opportunity miracle worker who delights in people who trust him with their life.

Maybe you've stopped believing that God still performs miracles because you don't want to get your hopes up again. Or maybe you think you're not worthy of special treatment from God.

How you can step out in faith

It takes a special kind of courage to hope that God personally intervenes, and that he will in your life.

But following Jesus Christ is an adventure, not a nap. It's not for people who want to curl up in a safe place and pull the blankets over their head.

The embodiment of bravery is a person who sticks close to Jesus no matter how grim their life looks at the moment. That kind of Christian has unwavering faith that God still performs miracles. They know, deep down inside, that it's not a question of whether; it's only a question of when.

They recognize that the miraculous happens every day, if we train ourselves to look for it.

They don't worship a puny, ineffective God. They worship the all-powerful, majestic God who created and controls the entire universe. Is that your God?

God still performs miracles but on his schedule

Many years ago, Harry Emerson Fosdick said that God is not a cosmic bellboy. He doesn't jump at our orders and do exactly what we tell him, when we tell him.

However, God is a loving Father who wants the best for you. Jesus described God's generosity this way:

"If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!" (Matthew 7:11)

Could it get any clearer than that? God wants to help you!

He's still the same God

God hasn't changed. He's the same God he was in Moses' time, in Elijah's time, and in Jesus' time.

That's a very comforting, reassuring truth. God's almighty power has not diminished one bit. His love and care for his children--including you--hasn't changed either.

So have hope. Times may have changed, but God hasn't. Could anything please him more than a miraculous turnaround for one of his own?

Keep praying. Keep hoping. Allow him to do it his way, in his timing, and watch what happens!

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