Why should you believe God instead of all the other voices?


Rather than believe God, millions of single people place their trust in unreliable sources.

We're quick to believe magazines, TV programs and radio commercials. We turn to New Age gurus, celebrity spokespeople, and Internet influencers. Most commonly we rely on the opinions of friends, family, and the person we're dating, but all of those sources are fallible. Most come with a hidden agenda

The pressing question is: Why don't we believe God?

What has God said about you?

Here's an indisputable bit of logic. If you don't know what God says about you, it's impossible to believe it.

Have you ever wondered what the Ruler of the Universe thinks of you personally? All you have to do is check the Bible. The Bible has often been called "God's Love Letter to Mankind." What's even more important is that it's a personal love letter to you.


That's because the Bible is a supernatural book, the only book ever written that was directly inspired by God. It's a living Word, which means it's always relevant. The most amazing quality of Scripture is that God uses it to speak to individuals. He gives you a custom-tailored message when you make the effort to seek it.

Here are just a few of the things God says about you in the Bible:

I love those who love me, and those who seek me find me. (Proverbs 8:17)

Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the LORD; trust in him and he will do this. (Psalm 37:4-5)

He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. (Psalm 147:3)

Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. (1 Peter 5:7)

The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. (Psalm 34:18)

God's one and only motive


Unlike everyone and everything else, God has only one motive—love —and he makes no secret of that.

His love is unconditional. It's honest, and lasts forever. No matter how big your imagination, you will never be able to comprehend how much God loves you.

We singles can get caught up in our culture. So often we're influenced by people who want to sell us things. They flatter us or make us feel inadequate so we'll buy their product or service. But God's not selling a thing.

Scripture says God knew you before you were formed in your mother's womb. God cares about you so much that he even knows how many hairs you have on your head. Nothing in your life escapes his notice, no matter how trivial it may seem.

God made you the way you are for a reason. You're unique. Not another of the 7 billion people on this planet has your fingerprints or DNA. There's only one you because God wanted it that way.

But those aren't all the reasons to believe God.

Who are you going to believe?

God can do almost anything, but there's one thing he simply cannot do. He is incapable of lying.


God never does anything inconsistent with his character. He is 100% trustworthy, which is more than you can say about people. When it comes to valuing someone's opinion about you, are you going to believe people or believe God?

Throughout the Bible, God's loving plan for your life unfolds. He sent his son Jesus to die for your sins so you can be reconciled to him. Jesus gave his very life because he loves you so much. Can you say that about any other human being?

God always has your best interests at heart, even when you have to go through painful experiences. God promised not to abandon you, so he's always as close as a prayer. He sticks with you no matter what.

When he says he will restore you to wholeness, you can believe God for that promise. This is the biggest question in life: What happens after I die?

God says that you can be safe with him, for all eternity.

Believe God in spite of everything

One of the worst things a Christian can do is judge God's love for them based on their circumstances. That's what Satan's is whispering for you to do!

Don't go by your feelings. They're not reliable.

Don't even go by your own intelligence and what you think you've reasoned out. Instead, believe God.

Trust him and put your faith in him, even when that seems preposterous. God's ways are different from our ways. He can turn weakness into strength, surrender into victory, and death into eternal life.

I can tell you from more than 60 years of personal experience, God is the best friend you will ever have, the truest love, and the most steadfast encourager. He has lifted me up from the lowest moments of my life and healed my broken heart more times than I can count.


God stood by me every second when I had cancer--twice. He scooped up my soul after relationships failed, jobs let me down, and my dreams were shattered. He has been 100 percent faithful to me, even in those times when I was less than faithful to him.

He will do the same for you, because he loves you.

Your authentic sense of worth comes only from him. Don't believe anybody else. Believe God. He will not, he cannot, lie to you.

When you feel like beating yourself up, reread from God's love letter to you, the Bible, Psalm 40:1:

I waited patiently for the LORD; he turned to me and heard my cry.

When doubts and anxiety fill you, don't listen to them. Believe God.

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