If you want more energy, start inside your head


Want more energy? The first place to look is your thought life.

As a single person, you have a lot of time to think, with fewer distractions than married folks with children. But many singles don't want to think. They don't want to deal with their thoughts, so they play the TV or music constantly. When I see people going for a recreational walk, they almost always have ear buds in.

Your thought life is like the barometer of your being, but unlike a barometer, your thinking doesn't just reflect your inward "weather;" it controls it.

Many factors affect your energy level. Let's look at a few.

Want more energy? Check the obvious


If you want more energy, the first place to start is with a visit to your doctor. One of the most common complaints physicians hear is, "I'm tired all the time."

When I was younger, I was pretty thick about unhealthy behavior. No, I didn't drink, smoke or use drugs, but I often overextended myself then wondered why I was so tired. I stayed up too late. I didn't eat right. I got upset too often.

We single people don't have anyone to monitor us, and we often don't recognize we can be our own worst enemy. It's not unusual to suffer exhaustion or some kind of collapse because we think we're Super Person.

Doctors usually run blood tests. They're a good way to screen for several diseases and conditions that can make you tired. This is the time to be a grown up and take responsibility for your life. Nobody really likes to go to the doctor, but it's the only way to rule out a physical cause for your fatigue.

If your tests come back negative—no physical problems—then it's time to go on to the next step: your thought life.

The surprising power of thought


In 1903, James Allen wrote an important little book titled As a Man Thinketh. The title comes from Proverbs 23:7:

"As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he." (KJV)

As a Man Thinketh is a 28-page little book, and I'd like you to read it. Here's where you can download a free PDF copy:

As a Man Thinketh FREE ebook

Some of the ideas in the book agree with Christianity, others do not. If you're a Christian, you'll be able to sort through it, but overall, this little classic is worth your time.

We may argue whether thoughts cause emotions or whether emotions cause thoughts, but there's no question that emotions affect your body and in turn, your energy.

If you want more energy, you have to be aware of how your thoughts can impact you, then guard your thought as if it were one of your most precious assets, because it is.

Energy-building, energy-draining thoughts

Much of the time, my mind is like a pinball machine, bouncing from one thing to another. How about yours?

Because of technology, we've all developed a shorter attention span, but when it comes to a chain of thoughts, they're usually connected. In other words, you don't have a series of negative thoughts then have a positive thought randomly pop in, followed by more negative thoughts.


Sometimes your thoughts are constructive, but too often they're destructive. Thoughts, or patterns of thinking, generally fall into three categories: neutral, energy builders, and energy drainers.

Energy draining thoughts include:

Energy building thoughts include:

As we mature spiritually, we're better able to respond to bad circumstances because we understand God is on our side. We can always be sure of one thing: God loves his children and does not abandon them. That's important to know when those energy-draining thoughts come along.

Yes, I realize controlling your thinking is easier said than done, but to know negative thoughts are tiring you out is another good incentive to be on guard.

What about prayer?

Let's face it: Prayer can be exhausting work. When you're desperate for an answer for a healing or a job or some other important need, you feel like Jacob wrestling with God for a blessing.


And yet, we have to pray. We must pray. Prayer can be less grueling when, after we passionately make our request of God, we trust him. That's not easy. As I've said elsewhere, trusting God is the toughest part of the Christian life. It's also the most important.

I get too tired when I doubt God. I get too tired when I become resentful and angry at God. And, I get the most tired after those times when I think I am God.

Sometimes prayer does give us energy instead of tiring us. Praise, thanksgiving, and rejoicing are all activities that make us feel stronger, and I, for one, don't do enough of that. If we counted the number of our "thanks" prayers against the number of our "gimme" prayers, we'd probably all be embarrassed.

Maybe one of the reasons we don't pray enough is because we don't trust God with the answer. We want it our way or no way. That is draining, single friend. I can tell you from personal experience.

A final word of caution

I'm not one of those Christians who is against medication. If you're on mental health meds, do NOT stop taking them. Your doctor would not prescribe them unless you need them.

Medical conditions exist in which people simply cannot control their thoughts. In those cases medication is a godsend.


And, no matter what your medical condition, it's possible your medication itself could be affecting your energy. One of the side effects might be tiredness or apathy. Check with your doctor and read the side effect information you get with the pills. You might be surprised.

If you want more energy, you have to be your own advocate. You have to be on your own side. You have to be assertive in searching for the cause of your tiredness. Your doctor or therapist will help. I want this article to act as a starter for you to reexamine your life.

Things can change. You can change, and the greatest agent of change is God. Ask him to intervene, then trust him. That's the Bible's prescription for a better life.

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