
What kind of love can make up for your deepest hurt?

What kind of love does God have in store for us in heaven? Can it set right all the pain and suffering we've gone through here on earth?

That's a tall order when you think about the tragedies we endure in a lifetime. Many singles are disabled, while others fight chronic illness or emotional problems. We know romantic breakups, financial hardship, and a crushing sense of discouragement.

When your heart's been broken to smithereens, how can even God fix it?

We think the way it's always been is the way it's always going to be. We get the idea heaven will cure some of our heartaches but not others. They seem impossible. And yet, the Bible tells us all things are possible for a God who created the infinite universe out of nothing.

What kind of love will restore us to God's holy desire for us? Let's see what Scripture has to say.

There are claims and there are promises

Who hasn't been taken in by the claims of advertisers plugging their wonder products? We have hope, expecting people to be honest, but each letdown makes us more cynical.

A popular warning goes, "If it sounds too good to be true, it usually is."


But the promises of God are very different. He is a unique being because he is incapable of lying. His character is so pure and his power so unstoppable that what he declares will always come to pass.

God promised us a Savior to free us from our sins and he delivered. Jesus said he would rise from the dead and he did. God guaranteed his people would have eternal life. Millions are enjoying it this very moment.

There is the Word of God, and there is everything else. When we know exactly what the Bible says, we can count on it 100 percent. No, we can't expect health, wealth, and happiness here because the Bible doesn't promise any such thing. And don't believe anyone who twists verses to try to make that claim.

Eternal life ensures the time of our suffering on Earth will be a microscopic fraction compared to the unending joy of living with God. The years will roll on forever while you and I experience life as we always hoped it could be.

What happens to the hurt?

Theologians agree that when we get to heaven, we will be totally transformed. We will leave our sinful nature behind. But what about our hurts?

We can only speculate, of course, but doesn't it make sense that our painful memories will never plague us any more? Emotional baggage will have no place in our renewed minds.

Here's what Paul says about the resurrection of the dead:

"Listen, I tell you a mystery: We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed— in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed." (1 Corinthians 15:51-53, NIV)

God never does anything halfway. When he remakes our bodies, he will recreate our minds as well so we can be completely perfect people. Our personality and character will remain. The bad things will be wiped away with the all-healing blood of Jesus.

What kind of love can do this?

The same stupendous love God showed when he sacrificed his only Son Jesus for our sins will regenerate us as healed human beings. Here's what God's love will do:


"He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.” (Revelation 21:4 ESV)

That's the key verse. Did you get that?

    * No mourning

    * No crying

    * No pain!

What good would heaven be if we took our pain with us? Pain started when sin entered the world at the Fall, but there is no sin in heaven. The "former things," all those sorrows of our earthly life, will be gone, never to return.

We will be reunited with our loved ones. We will have meaningful, fulfilling work and will experience indescribable peace.

In John's vision in Revelation, Jesus says, “I am making everything new!” (Revelation 21:5 NIV)

New home. New body. New soul. New you!

That's a thrilling future, something every believer can look forward to. But the news gets even better…

Your renewal has already started


Did you know your transformation has already begun? It's true. The Kingdom of God was ushered in on Earth when Jesus Christ rose from the dead. As one of his followers, you are a citizen of that kingdom, entitled to all its rights and benefits.

Your sanctification is happening this minute. Maybe you can't see it or feel it, but every day the Holy Spirit is making you more and more like Jesus. You, yes you, are taking on the character of Christ. That's important news for singles who are barely hanging on.

Your makeover will be completed in heaven; however, renewal is going on now. What kind of love can heal you? The compassionate care of the Lord. Jesus didn't save you so you can live broken for the rest of eternity. His love demands you be recreated to live the best possible life in heaven.

We're still on a sin-stained planet. Your physical disability or illness may not be healed here, but your spiritual healing continues every day. As you draw closer to Christ, surrender to him and depend on him, you make great leaps forward through the workmanship of the Holy Spirit.

What kind of love gives us new life? The holy love of God coursing through you this very moment!

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